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Our Volunteers

JCAN understands the importance of including young people as volunteers and advocates for access of rights and entitlements in East Jerusalem .JCAN believes that working with volunteers is a cost effective way to change attitudes and behavior towards building a network of volunteers who learn to identify and condemn violations and negative practices in their own communities.

Volunteers walk through our store fronts  and are selected from the communities .They come to us from Universities (particularly law and social work students) .Through the training and support they receive from JCAN they  are able to have a significant impact in their communities and beyond . 

Volunteers hold awareness-raising sessions to introduce JCANs legal and social counselling services to people in the communities. The centers work in through door to door knocking and/ or the more formal workshops and training sessions.

JCAN enabled new volunteers to train with and learn from the experiences of long-standing volunteers of JCAN. These, and other veteran volunteers, continue to promote JCAN’s services and vision in their communities, conducting door to door outreach activities, JCAN’s volunteer coordinator has held a number of meetings with the volunteers.Our volunteers carried out reach and door knocking in Altur, SurBaher, Kufur Aqab and Shufat.